
UI mockup design

I design user interface mockups for websites and mobile applications that meets business and professional needs through research and testing, developing wireframes, prototypes and task flow. I also collaborate with designers and developers to create intuitive web applications

Web design

With a good understanding of user experience, I design and implement beautiful website interfaces that are easy to understand, easy to navigate, and loads fast using my creative and engineering skills.

Web development

I build scalable and functional features into new and existing websites and web applications that are in-line with business goals and objectives to solve customer's problems.

Mobile development

I build mobile applications using state of the art tools that provides great user experience while driving up business revenue.

About me

I was 8 years old when I first had the chance of using a computer. Fascinated by how I could learn how to type using Mavis Beacon, made me love the machine. But unfortunately, the computer belonged to a family that was close to ours. I could only use the computer whenever I had the chance to visit their house.

One thing I knew how to do really well with the computer was push the power button, wait for 3 - 5 minutes for the computer to boot to desktop, click the Mavis Beacon's software icon that was on the desktop, follow the instructions in the software to start typing.

One of those days that I visited this family, I was going to pass the night in their place. I was playing with Mavis Beacon late into the night when I was told by one of the ladies in the house to stop so she could turn off the computer and I could go to sleep. I quickly told her not to be worried that I can turn off the computer which I had never done before and had no idea of how to do it.

Fortunately for me, I pressed the windows key and I saw the power icon to turn off the computer and I did turn it off. I was so happy and proud of what I had done with the computer. I got into a public High School where for 5 years I learnt how to use the computer from written notes and never had the chance of interacting with the machine. One of the reasons why we were not allowed to touch the computer was because, they believed that we could spoil it if we are allowed to use it but I knew that if for any reason I turn on any of the computers in the computer lab, I could turn it off.

This passion carried through my education at the University of Por Harcourt. Here, I had the opportunity to learn all could not learn growing up. From algorithms, to data structure, higher mathematics, software engineering and software project management. I still don't know how to type really well but I know how to build scalable software. So now in the industry, this passion still remains and is still leading me to learn better ways of solving problems and making a living for myself. I am grateful

My portfolio

See the services I have provided and how they have affected businesses and industry professionals.

Proposed Home page design for Cleeqo

Cleeqo is a peer-to-peer social learning center that allows people to learn from other people's experiences and knowledge in their areas of interest.

UI/UX design & web development for Cudua Inc

Cudua is an ecommerce service that allows micro, small, and medium scale enterprises to own and manage their online stores.

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An eLearning platform for selling one hour courses

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I was part of a team that developed this easy-to-use cryptocurrency trading application for Skye Innovation Technology Limited

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Let's Pad It 2019

Let's pad it is an event organised by Elk initiative to educate the female child on menstrual hygiene.

Oremit Power Solution

Oremit Power Solution Limited is an innovative company that provides power solutions that are cost-effective, scalable, secure and ingenious to improve your business and enable you to achieve your goals..

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Oremit email service

Is an internal tool used in Oremit Power Solution for prospecting and communicating with potential customers.

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Investment accounting service

This is an accounting application owned by Digital Earners that allows private investors to monitor and manage their investments.

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What clients are saying

Harry Nova

- Ceo Digital Earners.
The website gives you the feeling of an app with its simplicity. No lags, yet state of the art design. What more could we at Digital Earners ask for? It is responsive, seameless navigation and awesome interface. Kuduos to the creator; Daniel Walter.

Grace Okai

- Ceo ELK Initiative.
Creating a logo and designing flyers for every event at ELK Initiative always seemed like a situation that could not attain perfection. Daniel Walter did the magic - with his well constructed criticism, we were able to get a logo that defines the initiative at first glance and also top-notch graphics for every event we have had such that guests could even attest to how classic and professional our flyers were
I'm available to build your website
Call me now

Front-End Technologies

JavaScript (Vanilla and TypeScript)

Back-End Technologies


Web Service




Bachelor of Science

University of Port Harcourt

Department of Computer Science


Logistics and Event planning

Elk Initiative

2019 - present

Event planning

Think. Act. Become (TAB conference 2018)

2018 - 2018

Chief technology officer

Cudua Inc.

August 2019 - present


Head of consumer service

Chigisoft Nigeria Limited

2018 - 2019

Fullstack web developer

Alphatech technology Limited

2014 - 2016


Cooking is part of the reasons I find Sundays interesting.
I get to try new type of meals.


I play with the church band on weekends. I love contemporary music; especially western music


This is how I start my day. I read books on product design, UI design, business development, leadership and computer programing